…, and it’s time again for my annual Christmas gift to all friends visiting this website.

As you will understand, it isn’t easy each year to provide a large and growing number of readers with something valuable, new and unusual; something which is digitally deliverable, affordable for the blogger and welcome to all recipients. In searching for the perfect 2016 solution, and bearing in mind the past three years’ gifts, I have used both rhyme and reason:

2013 An elementary particle,
2014 A dedicated microzoo,
2015 Some much needed space, and
2016 A specific point of view.

Here it is, but magnified exorbitantly in order to appear on your screen –

I appreciate that this may well look very like my gift of 2014, but it is, in fact, most profoundly different. That earlier dot was physical, and meant as an enclosure for micro-organisms; I hope that yours is still providing hours of pleasure and interest. Above all, that dot was to be looked into. This current ‘dot’, however, is a place to stand, conceptually, for looking out at the rest of the universe.

As a sort of user’s guide, may I point out (I choose my words carefully) that you can start here and face in any direction. Furthermore, though manifesting on a flat screen, your dot has as many dimensions as there are available – and possibly more. You should certainly look up. And this dot exists (I choose that word slightly less carefully) outside of time and, thus, will never wear out – or, at least, not until the next Singularity.

As a POINT is that which has no part, the point of view I am offering you here is impartial – more necessary than ever in this year of division and upset.

So please feel free to download your Point of View: from this site it is safe to do so.  And please note that each and every dot downloaded, while undoubtedly in the exact centre of the universe, is no more so than any other.

With very best wishes to all, David