… alive for a few weeks now. Comments have been favourable and – indeed – highly complimentary. All credit to the excellent, efficient and helpful Alpha State.
I promised to discuss my current work more fully (and regularly) in these Posts, so here goes. Currently there is an ongoing series of albums of library music in progress, but the rather bigger news is that there will be a new CHRONOMETER album available in a few weeks’ time. This is being written together with Michael Hinton (we collaborated before on CALIBAN’S ISLAND) and will, of course, be produced by John Mercer. I don’t want to say too much about it now, but you will be able to hear some excerpts very soon.
Meanwhile, Uvney, having written a couple more Introductions for Orrydian, is half-way through writing his new novella. It is difficult to say when this will be finished, but I regularly ask him for news and he regularly puts me off with a rude rejoinder. The next few weeks are likely to be devoted to the album mentioned above, but the next major work after that is to lock Uvney in a cupboard (without any of his favourite cheese available to him) and provoke him into continuing what I understand he has titled UVNEY AT SEA.
As regular visitors know, I like to include a graphic with each post. This time, I want to share a photograph my wife took from the plane as we returned home from a few days’ holiday in Granada this week. For once, this image of a sunset over the sea shares something of the beauty of the actual view. There is a reason for choosing this particular image at this time, which should become clear in my next posting.