… is to be titled BESTIARY, and it will probably include one revamped and six new tracks.  Usually I take the prepared music tracks to John and finish off everything there over a couple of days.  This time we are likely to be more experimental with the material – especially the sounds – and so it is quite likely that the collection won’t be completed in this set of sessions.  However, I still hope to have the album out by the end of September.

As the summer (?!?) proceeds, I am getting in a lot more walking – which I love.  I am also looking through a lot of my existing work to see if it could be promoted further.  This website has many examples to listen to (most of them found from the INFO page) so please let me know if there is anything you think particularly deserves a second outing.

And a picture for this Blog …  Well, simply because it turned up yesterdayds at piano when I was looking for something else,  a memory of the early 1970s.